Frequently Asked Questions


How many sessions will I need? The number of session that you will need will depend on the type of problems you want to address.  I initially offer a contract for six sessions with a review on the fourth week

How long are the sessions? Each session lasts one hour except the initial session which can be half hour. The sessions begin at a previously agreed time. If you are late we will still need to finish at the agreed time. If you arrive early I would be grateful if you could wait in your car as I don't have a waiting room.

Cost of sessions:- All sessions are £40:00, except the first session which is free. This can be paid by BACS or by cheque paid prior to your session.

When are my sessions? We will agree a time and day that suits us both and make regular appointments at agreed intervals. If at all possible it will be at the same time on the same day each week.

Do I pay for missed sessions.? Yes but if I am given at least 48 hours notice I will waive my fee. Where possible I will try to offer you an alternative appointment in that week. 

Holidays will be agreed between us.

Are the sessions completely confidential? Yes unless you lead me to believe that you are going to commit a serious crime or hurt someone else. In such cases I am required by law to inform the relevant body. It is a requirement for me to be in supervision and at times I may speak to my supervisor about any issues I may be having with my clients, you would not be identifiable in these discussions.

Regular attendance. It is very important to regularly attend and commit yourself to each session. Sometimes when the work becomes hard it can feel like you don't want to come but sometimes that is when the best work is done.

Please feel free to contact me for any other questions.